IT DOES MATTER - June 7, 2021

Hi, my name is Steven Lee Katz and I want to thank you for taking time to read about my Blood and Cancer Research that I started doing in October of 1974, but really kicked my energy and focus into it a year later and have never stopped since. This was a good twenty plus years before the creation of the Internet, so my learning curve was slow as I went from local libraries to many a good distance away, looking for anything new that was published or on the shelves, and cataloged on old scratched up micro-film. My next step was to go over to the libraries giant old age micro-film display reader and crank it up and excitingly enjoy new for me discoveries about Blood and Brain research. I loved learning about new discoveries but it all truly took time for me to dig in and push myself to constantly focus and understand some very amazing technical aspects of the workings and goings on inside the human body, and brain.

I began putting my ideas to pen in 1980 and stopped midway in 1990, and I wish I could give credit and list all the great books and educators that were my silent teachers and forever motivators each time I learned something new and excitingly mind opening. I thank them all and hope some may still be alive and see some of their teachings in my FIVE pages below this opening introductory welcome letter.

PERSONAL NOTE TO ALL: I am not a scientist, or a Doctor, or even a college educated or graduated young sole, but the gift The Lord gave me to think about challenges to help mankind, and then go after these challenges is just what my basic life is all about. Oh believe me I’m no Angel though, so I’ll put that out there and be real clear in that regard.

Researching, experimenting on myself just somehow became my thing a long time ago, and I’m repeating myself again, but OUR BLOOD, OUR PROPER PH LEVEL BALANCES & HOW WE CONTINUAL NUORISH AND STRENGTHEN AND TAKE CARE OF OUR VARIOUS INTERNAL AND I WILL SAY EXTERNAL IMMUNE SYSTEMS, IS THE KEY. I strive for good meaning and positive outcomes. So, just sayin’, THAT’S IT!

The FIVE pages below I began writing in the mid 80’s, and could have been a hundred from all the years of learning and actual real life experiments I was doing with a White Powder I created with some great assistance from my best friend and co/writer of our Trilogy, TB. He thinks he didn’t contribute a dog gone thing but without helping me with the technical mechanics and operation of the voltage power sensitive output that was critical for the Ozone Generator, I absolutely have no doubt whatsoever that none of my many White Powder formulas would have ever aided so many people suffering from Diabetes, Arthritis and being treated with Chemotherapy sessions for their various cancers.

Please take the time to read a few of the Testimonial letters. I wish I had been more present of mind back in the 80’s and 90’s to cherish and hold on to each and every one of them, but I was just living in such a fast track sort of wild at times life, and not thinking in a pure futuristic mindset. There’s no excuse whatsoever for me not paying more attention to the kind written gestures that were right there in my hands. The fact was, I failed to realize the gratitude of these wonderful people reaching out to me. Now that I’m much older I’ll respect and cherish every future correspondence and any and all face to face conversations.

TB gave my research company the name “IT DOES MATTER”, and it just stuck perfectly, and seeing the name on my first business card in 1979 made me and my buddy very proud.

I hope any & all who read the Five pages below this opening letter can takeaway some possible life saving & healing valuable forever lessons. IT DOES MATTER, and we care!

The United States Post Office and some other 3 letter government agency together visited me in Florida in the early part of 1999 and told me to stop making and shipping my White Powder Formula thru the US mail system or any other mailing service. I spoke to my Dad about this situation and being that he and my Mom were using and benefitting from my White Powder, among many things we talked about he advised me to be careful, don’t say anything to any of those folks to cause a stir, and I’ll be up front and say that my Dad always since I was a young kid, he’d say ‘stay cool son, just stay cool’, and man I swear I never got cocky or tired of him over many years saying those exact wise words to me. One other point I want to make with my chats with my Dad, was he eye to eye pushing and encouraging me to never stop studying all I could regarding my Blood and Cancer Research I was doing. Now going back to my dad and his “STAY COOL” advice, well he was in his years of wisdom preparing me for a possible letdown, and all the while father to son teaching me to not let my emotions get the best of me, no matter what, and within less than a year his wisdom along with his experience of me being prepared was right on the money.

I wasn’t given any reason why I had to STOP my production other than the powders resemblance to cocaine was quite remarkable, but it was tested and proven to be nothing of the kind, but the ‘Powers That Be’ said STOP or be prepared to face some legal actions and the outcomes could be life changing if I didn’t comply. And while all this intimidation was going on, they wanted to know exactly what was in the ingredients and make up inside the amazing White Powder. Let me just say this, my buddy was not a happy camper with their intimidation, and he told me and I agreed don’t tell them a damn frikkin’ thing about any of the make-up of the white powder, period. But we also knew from a lab tech Vitamin expert that they could figure out all the Vitamins and minerals and other gems in the powder, but it was something you’ll learn about in a few paragraphs down that their measuring and analysis reading equipment couldn’t figure out.

I was always thinking about my Dads years of advice about just staying cool in any and all kinds of situations. And let me add and also say that my close dear friend could be one very explosive bad ass dude, and I needed to keep everything calm and level headed for all of our sakes, so over a little less than a years time of total worrying and other negative energy happening, I reluctantly chose to follow those pricks orders of stop making the White Powder.

I have to say this last point, this miracle powder wasn’t a business, no not at all, it was just about getting it in the hands of Oncology offices around the United States for practically just the shipping costs. I needed volunteers to be brave enough to begin to experiment with my research, and again I screwed up by not taking much better care of all the testimonial letters I received over the many years. And to be real about the whole thing, I spent hours of my life working on different formulas and more or less lost money year after year, but I was gaining ground on understanding how my White Powder creation was working on helping and in some cases, almost nullifying good folks Diabetes Type ONE medical issues. For the good folks using it before and after their chemo sessions, different formulas were having different results, but all experiments were proving to increase the oxygen saturation levels, reduce the nauseum, slow down and even reduce the hair loss and just overall better skin color. This one was very important and appreciated, that being much less fatigue and the elimination of that brain fogging feeling, and from all these good mental and physical feelings came a great positive mental outlook. But just to be clear, I never promised any kind of the actual outcomes that were happening, no, I was just flat out flying by the seat of my pants with people who were suffering & were open minded to try the White Powder Formula.

So now please allow me to say this, NUFF SAID about what seems like a long ago major-major let down on my research, but I kept up my Blood and Cancer heartfelt studies and now in this year of early 2021, I am feeling that within at most 5 years from now (March 2026) I will be able to finish building a one of a kind human receiving medical vibrational water pulsating sound and wave electro-magnetic healing system, all the while running in tandem thru a special induction light spectrum.

I know what it all sounds like, but its real, and its completely saving the body from having poisonous chemicals introduced inside it to fight cancer cells, but also all the while unnecessarily fighting and killing all the surrounding good healthy human cells. The GOAL in all of this, is to build a CELLULAR NON EVASIVE CANCERC FIGHTING apparatus, PERIOD. This medical machinery will have wave action light omitting super conducting magnetic pulsing resonating biometric measurements going on, which will cause positive spinning reactions inside the TRIILLIONS of Cells containing Iron Rich Protein called Hemoglobin, and this is just a part of what’s inside the Red Blood Cells that are moving the essential critically needed Oxygen that is moving throughout the circulatory vast system of the body.

Yeah-No, its complicated as “you know what”, but I’ve learned a lot over many years and I’m not intimidated with the above spoken about highly technical jargon, and in time me and the Boys know we’ll be searching for geniuses to recruit to be a part of the team for making this ‘Special Creation’ and a very Unique Cancer Life Saving Hospital a success one day.

And I need to mention something also very serious that we’ll be using, and it’s called Signal Analysis, and combining everything I’m talking about, well my hopes are to really be able to slowly shrink Glioblastoma brain cancer if its caught in the first FOUR to SIX months, and also the same timeframe for women’s breast cancer located near the armpit area. And also my senses tell me if these BREAKTHROUGH’S can occur, it then is my believe that other bodily cancer’s can be on our TARGET TO ILLIMINATE DEEPER INSIDE THE BODY.

And I’ve mentally visualized and designed a specialized neck collar that will be used with the same conducting pulsating medical mechanics that will be used to go after the alarming increase in throat and mouth cancers in men. As far as what is the cause of these cancers, one could Hypothesis several thoughts, but my research is just trying to help folks with their cancers.

I apologize for the above long winded paragraphs and sentences, but I’m so enthused in my work and theories, I just can’t help myself in saying that this is what’s happening with my fast moving cancer research, and it is not delusional, NO, its ALL absolutely really possible, and DAMN WELL NEEDED! In a nutshell, I sense the one of a kind device with all its intricate components I write about will be the tool to DESTROY THE TUMORS CRITICAL ENERGY NEEDED SUPPLY, thus the havoc reeking cancer cells will begin to shrink and die off and eventually be evacuated out of the body, and then the areas around this EVIL will themselves begin to be RE-OXYGENATED, and in laymen terms, self-repairing themselves, and even over time do better than repair!

Those are very heavy statements to say the least but I’ve been living and at times dreaming and seeing in my sleep what I understand is the true most important makeup of what’s in our Blood that will be in harmony and synchronize with my special device. I’m going to continue to build this special apparatus and after that find volunteers to see if a miracle can happen for their medically afflicted unfortunate lives.


(KEEP THE FLUIDS AROUND THE TRILLIONS OF CELLS IN THE BODY ”TOXIC FREE”). This point is a major step in keeping a healthy body, from the top of your head to the end of your toes. We’ve all read that our bodies are made up of 70 plus percent of water, well keep that fluid toxic free and like I said, you’ll have a healthy body. Sorry for repeating myself but that repeated point needs to be clearly understood, and believe me when I say I studied over and over those very same critical points, along with hours of research and experiments on myself to understand the point about 70 PERCENT of our bodies are comprised of WATER.

One last thought, I believe from years of doing experiments on myself, that I came away believing that if a person can as best as possible keep your bodies PH levels at a desired 7.4 existence, then you will have and enjoy truer natural energy, vitality and strength, richer shinier slower aging skin, better deeper sleep and just overall damn good health. We must keep our Blood in a constant state of pure well-being FLOWING ACTION. If and when our Blood isn’t moving OR correctly FLOWING inside our vast circulatory complicated system, then many TOXINS can accumulate and then our IMMUNE systems become active to fight the battles, but just like any army in battle, if OVERWHELMING ACTION IS TAKING PLACE ON MANY FRONTS, THEN IT COULD END UP BEING A LOSING OUTCOME. What I am saying is, we need to keep our PH correctly balanced, do your best to not put poisons inside ourselves, such as cigarette smoke, over indulging in alcohol, crappy greasy food, and NUFF SAID… I imagine only adults are reading this, so hey, just use common sense on how you treat your own self.

I was reading in books and on Micro-Film for years before the Internet came about, and I believe keeping the PH Levels at their absolute proper levels will have a positive effect on what’s called ‘THE HAYFLICK LIMIT’. If anyone cares to learn you should take the time to do your own due diligence and homework about the HAYFLICK LIMIT and the ‘TELOMERES’ connection, and then maybe your own light bulbs will be going off like mine have been over the years regarding living way past the so-called average age life expectancy. It’s cool as you know what, , so hey, just sayin’.

Point of thought to PONDER, my belief is that Toxic Oxidative Stress causes Inflammation to occur in the body and this is a very dangerous situation that can cause bad outcomes for the life of millions if not BILLIONS of cells inside us. The amount depends on the sickness or injury occurring to and in the body, We’ve all experienced some sort of an inflammatory situation in our selves, and think to yourself how did that area feel, and react to just simply the touch of your or a doctors fingers.

OK<>MOVING ON; I’ll be real and down to earth factual too, there are some human genetic passed on diseases that sometimes can’t be avoided, and even though I’m saying keep healthy by watching your PH Levels which I always did, that didn’t prevent the need for me to have emergency life saving quadruple by-pass heart surgery. I Thank God for my fast acting Cardiologist and his right hand man, a fantastic Heart Surgeon who saved my life in late July-2014.

I didn’t want this to be a long open letter, BUT SORRY IT TURNED OUT TO BE THAT, so I apologize, but just know that I humbly feel that all my years studying Blood along with the complicated human circulatory system, the efforts will come to a positive conclusion and give me the chance to do good for humanity in the future.

Everything amazing about the White Powder is wide openly talked about in adequate detail in various chapters throughout the Trilogy, that is except all the amazing natural ingredients that took years to mix together to eventually achieve great results.

Ok, so here’s the part about the undetectable ingredients of the powder that their testing equipment couldn’t figure out, and we weren’t about to tell em squat back in 1999.

With pride in opening up and now freely talking about this, you will learn right up front that the entire long stringy ‘ROOT SYSTEM’ and shavings from the thick top layers of the stems of ‘FEMALE MARIJUANA’ Natural Sun Grown cornfield plants, were one of the hidden (NON DETECTED) natural God’s Gift to Mankind pieces of the formula. And after being heavily ground, mashed, and reground again together into a super fine finished powder, we then used a Blue Ozone custom rigged together generator to purify the Marijuana ingredients (thanks again to TB), and then mixed in multiple other fantastic under-rated Vitamins, plus amazing body starved of essential loving Minerals and most importantly, ‘NONYA’ bin’nezz good old God Gifted natural human body LUVIN’ & DEPRIVED critically needed stuff after that… So yeah, sorry for the bits of sarcasms, but one has to have a little sense of ongoing humor in life, or you become stale and stiff, old and adrift, and that just ain’t healthy, , , and that damn sure ain’t me! AMEN…

But aside from a needed sense of humor, I can help anyone with an open mind how to strive for the hidden answers to living a healthier and hopeful longer life. Just realize this, you must strife to keep the TOXINS out of your body, and thus keeping the fluids free of toxic wastes, for these toxins are the first moves that create ill and sick actions around the trillions of cells that make up our bodies. Please remember what you just read about my long ago old formula, regarding the hidden gems of the right combination of Minerals and Vitamins, and other still not mentioned secret roots, stems and bark. So that’s it, its all about our health and finding peace from within, and trying to keep in tune and balance with many things, including a sense of humor, which helps with all the stress that comes our way at times.

A simple fact to take note of… SO YES, some human diseases are GENETIC, but CANCER IS NOT ONE OF THEM… Believe this point<>It is what we eat and put in our stomach, and into our lungs, and all over our bodies that needs more paying attention to.

I have to put something that may sound odd and possibly be very controversial in this open letter. And what I am speaking about is my years of observation of homeless street living people, starting in Mexico when I was in my early 20’s and all the way thru living and walking many hours a week in Latin American Countries into my 70’s. In a nutshell, from and thru the rough hand of life “STREET PEOPLE” were dealt, somehow their world of literally roaming the streets, alleys and wherever and whenever they can find any kind of food to forage, WAS THEIR WAY OF LIFE. From large trash dumpsters, to small garbage cans, to garbage put out by home and business owners to be picked up within hours, the homeless street people are all over these bags going through them looking for anything to eat. They’re drinking out of the soda cans or paper cups from all the fast food restaurants, and drinking other peoples discarded cans or fast food cups when people throw them into walking street trash for the public use. These homeless people in my opinion developed very strong immune systems, for I’ve observed and seen them like I said roaming the streets in two Latin American countries for years. My mind was clinically opened up in ways I feel God was totally teaching me another humbling valuable lesson.

I’m not judging them, but they’ll beg, borrow and steel to survive, and can you take a minute and think about what would you do? I’ve seen serious open wounds and skin ulcers and worse sufferings they’ve endured, and this is year after year for some, and again, my takeaway is their immune systems are keeping them alive. Another sad fact for them, is they smell horrible, wretchedly so, but again, I’m not judging but in that case, some kind of HELPING ACCOMIDATIONS should be made by the cities these people roam around in. CLENLINESS IS CLOSE TO GODLINESS…

In conclusion of my thoughts and observations, their strong developed immune systems have nothing to do with their mental health at all. And I can add this to my watching and speaking to many since the vaccine business started, none of them has been vaxxed, and none of them had covid. So what does all this observation and personally feelings and believe conclude to mean, well for me it boils down to many factors working inside our bodies AT THE CELULAR LEVEL. And maybe the most important takeaway to give thought to, is the HUMAN BODY T-CELLS. These are the real internal cancer fighters, and I’m determined to search out how to somehow help our bodies to generate more of these miracle working cancer fighting cells. I don’t want to go and get too far ahead of myself so, so, best said now, is NUFF SAID.

Permit me one last thought, and its kind of – sort of important. The human body has amazing self-regenerative abilities at the molecular level, and in my own way I wonder if it is truly possible to reverse the ‘AGING PROCESS’. That’s not a question, just an out loud thinking personal thought I’ve had for decades, and I still believe that the White Powder Formula was on the cutting edge of that quest of reversing the aging process. And that especially entails slowing or even eliminating the dreaded Alzheimer’s disease.

‘Take Your Time’ with reading and slowly absorbing the Five pages below, for there are some interesting semi-technical but maybe one day useful informational bits and pieces to help your lives, and others in your sphere of life.

I can not emphasize enough how critical the next few years (2021) & many more years going forward are going to be for the future millions of BRAINWASHED Americans and the world for that matter, who are going to be taking the covid-19 vaccine. Where’s first some animal testing results, then the normal human testing trials? Just think about the nerve and audacity of this ignorant illegal president MANDATING Americans to take the VAXX or lose some of their freedoms, and our Military folks being FORCED to take the jab OR be kicked out of their service their in. SHAMEFUL and INSANE, and SO DAMN WRONG ON SO MANY COVENANANT MEASURES OF THE LORD.

I have a working THEORY I’m doing all I can to research on, and it has to do with the rushed to market Covid Virus VACCINES. I’m learning more and more that makes me believe that the VACCINE POKES very well might disrupt the natural beneficial order of the human bodies GUT (intestinal track) inner important BACTERIAL WORKINGS. If this becomes the norm rather than the exception, then there is an untold possibility of an explosion of all kinds of old and even new unexplained types of cancers developing in the very near coming years of ALL those double and worse, triple poked (VAXXED) human beings. Please, just realize this, our bodies contain what is called ‘GOOD BACTERIA’ & BAD BACTERIA, and I am concerned that these vaccines are going to harm the ‘GOOD BACTERIA’… And believe me, that’s a very serious negative UNHEALTHY BIG DEAL~!

““““““““““““ SO God Help Them All, SERIOUSLY~! ““““““““““““““`

ADDENDUM — December 2023

I waited actually six months when I first wanted to write and include this ADDENDUM to this opening letter.
Here’s what’s being discovered and HIDDEN from the worlds population.
Massive long blood clots are being uncovered inside dead (PROVEN) vaxxed human bodies.
A cover-up of the truth about massive cancer growths appearing in humans in short periods of time, where there usually would take a few years for tumors to grow and even be detected.

I absolutely firmly believe now its all part of a sick world wide plan to cull the HUMAN HEARD… Laymen’s terms, KILL OFF THE HUMAN RACE!

There’s a long ago conspiracy of a discovery about the dangers of what 5-G technology can do to the human body, but I’m going to tell you it’s no conspiracy whatsoever. There is irrefutable proof that more people who are double vaxxed and surrounded by the 5-G waves (I call them that), plus being close to high frequency towers, are having cancers forming in their bodies and dying very quickly with tumor’s that usually take a few years to really grow and then become problematic, let alone even in some cases be discovered.

And there’s another conspiracy that I don’t know if it is TRUE OR NOT, but there is talk and articles out there but being hidden and suppressed, that somehow some of the ingredients in the vaccines contain some kind of mRNA, and from these vaccines, some kind of super scary fast forming micro-nano bots are being let loose in our bodies after the POKES have been administered. I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO BELIEVE AT THIS POINT, BUT I’M GOING TO DO MY BEST TO KEEP DIGGING AND LEARNING WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON.


One of the long shot chances of cleaning out the blood of still living vaxxed Guinee human pigs will be done with Major-Auto-hemo Ozone Therapy.

Possibly one day I will do a PODCAST or STREAM and do some kind of teaching lessons for the millions of poisoned Americans who listened to an old evil prick name joe biden, and anthony fauci. Trump was tricked, duped and humbly saying he let his ego get in the way with being pumped up to allow this OPERATION WARP SPEED to become his shining achievement to stopping the spread of the covid 19 virus. The various vaccines didn’t do SQUAT.



A world-wide SUPER major research project should be initiated to find a way to create ARTIFICIAL 100 PERCENT USEFUL BLOOD. In my humble opinion, all the billions of people who have been vaxxed will have (NOW AGAIN, THIS IS MY HUMBLE OPINION) THAT THEIR BLOOD WILL BE CONTAMINATED AND A TOXIC POISON TO BE PUT INTO OTHERS FOR WHATEVER REASONS NECESSARY.

In Conclusion:

I believe thru the use of A-I technology advancement, mankind needs to go after solving the problem of creating THE NEEDED ARTIFICIAL BLOOD ESPECIALLY BECAUSE OF THE POINSONING CAUSED OF THE BLOOD BY ALL THE COVID VACCINES.

Time will Tell, but I think I know the sad future answer ABOUT THE (imho) INTENTIONAL POISONING OF THE BLOOD, ”of humans”.

God BlessStrength and Honor


My Cancer Research


This one of a kind tree located somewhere in Central Latin America, has cancer managing properties.

I can’t and won’t say anymore for now, but just realize that ‘ASPERIN’ was discovered centuries ago from the pulverizing of the bark of a certain type of Willow Tree.

And our research and experimentation of pulverizing and then using ‘Blue Ozone’ purification, helped in the process of our ‘White Powder’