Letters To Putin
Since 2014 I have been freely able to write to Vladimir Putin through legal back channels that really didn’t take a lot of skills to set up. I push all the time to accomplish my goals and one of them back then in mid October 2014, was to start writing to him
Letter to Putin – January 21th, 2025
Hello again Vladimir, It’s been a while since I last wrote you, and actually the first thing that came to my mind as I sat down to write this letter, is that I sincerely Thank God that there has not been any kind of nuclear weapons of any size been
Letter to Putin – Oct 13th, 2024
Hello again Vladimir, Like all human beings in the life process of aging, our lives and time are moving faster by us if we’re fortunately able to even be alive to experience how time really flies bye as we get older. So here we are on the13th day of October, and
Letter to Putin – August 9th, 2024
Hello again Vladimir, Excuse me for my quick to the point thoughts and feelings, but I need to speak my piece so I will be clearly understood to what I am driving at. First and maybe the most important non-political point, is that I know from doing my best as
Letter to Putin – June 8th, 2024
Hello again Vladimir, I read reports that most American’s won’t know or learn anything about regarding the special mission you have going on in Ukraine, and I understand the history of what caused the conflict, dating and starting all the way back to 2014. I am not going to mince words
Letter to Putin – May 30th, 2024
Hello again Vladimir, I can only say that the reckless and insane behavior by biden and his entire war mongering administration worries me that they will not stop and allow for what you are putting on the table to do, which is for a stoppage of your special operation you
Letter to Putin – May 14th, 2024
Hello again Vladimir, I’ll keep this letter tight as possible like the last one, but my better instincts tell me to fire this quick and to the point letter off to you because the crazy talk coming out of the mouths of some of the politicians in my country regarding
Letter to Putin – May 10th, 2024
Hello again Vladimir, It’s been about twenty months since the last time I wrote to you using the available old back channel direct official established open source way, but I’m also posting the same exact letter on our political website. I’ll try to keep this brief and as tight as possible, with
Letter to Putin – August 30th, 2022
Hello again Vladimir, Now things are truly getting beyond pathetic, and that being some so-called world famous photographer is doing a GLAMOUR expose of Zelensky and his wife. A GLAMOUR pictorial in the middle of a war, while his military forces and innocent men and women are dying on the
Letter To Putin – August 13, 2022
Vladimir, Hello again. I sincerely hope you somehow see this letter. What millions of people around the world don’t understand and know clearly about, is that Zelensky was corruptly inserted into a victory of power somehow by Western forces, and I’m still using all my contacts to help me fully
Letter To Putin – July 27, 2022
Hello again Vladimir, The world and especially all Americans need to know that this entire war beginning mess belongs a large fair amount on the shoulders of the worst and most grossly corrupt politician in America’s History, that being joe biden. This horrible despicable man is illegitimately and incompetently wasting
Letter To Putin – June 27th, 2022
Hello Again, TIME is going by very fast Vladimir, and no talk of any kind of cease fire’s have happened. I’m saddened but strong with Faith that a ceasefire will happen before Christmas in the United States. Allow me now to speak about the hypocrisy going on right before any
Letter To Putin – June 15th, 2022
Hello again Vladimir, Excuse me but I’m going to get right to the point. I wrote to you in the last letter that the truth absolutely must come out regarding the illegitimate man in my countries White House is deeply responsible for the start of the Ukraine war and he’s
Letter to Putin – May 19th, 2022
Vladimir, The other day was your countries special ‘Victory Day Celebration’ for the remembrance of the end of World War Two against Germany, and again like I have written to you in the past, I want with true heartfelt feelings of gratitude to thank all your veteran countrymen, and women
Letter to Putin – March 4th, 2022
Vladimir, You need to let the world know about why you amassed a 100,000 troops on the various Ukraine borders and now began an invasion that never should have begun. I’m saddened to think that innocent women, children and elderly people are going to suffer and die horrible deaths. Its
Letter to Putin – Feb 1st, 2022
Vladimir, It truly amazes me how absolutely ignorant joe biden truly is, yet the mass coverup by the corrupt main stream media continues for him and all democrats and RINO’s. Again, I will never put capital letters in front of biden’s name, for he deserves no respect at all, no,
Letter to Putin – Dec 15th, 2021
Hello again Vladimir, My country is literally being destroyed in so many ways by this ILLEGAL corrupt and media protected pathetic so-called president named joe biden, which I know you know is a complete incapable man unable to ever make an intelligent correct policy making decision in his life. And
Letter to Putin – Sept 30th 2021
Hello again Vladimir, The last time I wrote you was in the end of July, and the whole world can truly see what an incompetent so-called leader joe biden is. I am so disgusted, saddened and angry about what he is doing to my country and how horrible he handled
Letter to Putin – July 27,2021
Hey Hi again Vladimir, I wrote to you this past mid April and in such a short time, much has happened in my country that is harming the masses of American citizens from their pocket books to their FREEDOM, and I will not just sit back and hide my head
Letter to Putin – April 15th, 2021
Hello again Vladimir, Its been quite a while since I’ve written to you, and I’ve held off because I wanted to see how my countries illegal president was going to handle his first 100 days or so in office. My conclusion is blunt to say the least, and that is
Letter to Putin – May 26th, 2020
Vladimir, I am up and running now with our political parties podcast. I’ll get right to the point, I am delivering the message to my countrymen about Major Auto-Hemeo Therapy Ozone Treatments, and in my eleven minute podcast I give some history of Ozone, and in particular I give the fact of
Letter to Putin – April 5th, 2020
Hello again Vladimir, This will be fairly quick and to the point. Thank you for sending the medical aid and research to help all American’s to fight this dreadful deadly virus. Your great countrymen and mine are all in a war together, and God Bless you for joining in the
Letter to Putin – March 7th, 2020
Vladimir, hello again. The existence of the world we all were living in is changing from this infectious spreading Corona Virus, which in my best research and sources advising me, all started in a laboratory in Wuhan China. We will probably never know the truth how, where, why and when
Letter to Putin – February 6th, 2020
Vladimir, Greetings. I’m at peace with what I am doing regarding my steady work to present myself to the American public as a 70 years YOUNG at heart man, who is trying to begin a self funding campaign running for the office of the President of the United States. On
Letter to Putin – January 11th, 2020
Hello again Vladimir, I am now officially speaking to the American public that I, Steven Lee Katz, have begun to run for the Presidency of the United States. Humbly speaking, nobody knows who I am at this moment in time but hopefully in the coming months, they will see and
Letter to Puttin – March 5th, 2018
Hello again Vladimir, I’m going to make this brief and to the point today…There is an important expression that I need to speak of, and that is “Cooler Heads Must Prevail”. I don’t know any other way to say what is on my mind regarding the ratcheting up of your
Letter to Putin – November 22, 2017
Hello again Vladimir, From a personal point of view from an American, I am very thankful that you met with Trump in Viet Nam and had a long conversation with him on Tuesday. Just the fact that you guys are talking is very important from my stand point and way
Letter to Putin – October 11, 2014
Dozens of letters were written to Mr. Putin between October 2014 and January 2020. Perhaps one day in the future they will all be published. My name is Steven Lee Katz. I’m 65 years young. I write to you Mr. Putin because I sincerely, sincerely hope you will trust and