Chapter Names

Mayflower Compact Patriots

We will find a manageable cure for cancer by mid 2026

Right The Ship

Survival of the Deadliest

Thoughts Manifest Energy 

Cooler Heads Must Prevail

  • Pardon My Polite Explanation
  • Can You Believe This?
  • Always an Exception in Life!
  • Good to Meet Ya
  • Can’t Judge a Book by its Cover
  • Acres and Acres of Marijuana
  • In A Blink of an Eye – 2050
    • Yes, I’ve been writing to Putin since 2014
  • I’ll Never Forget that Guy!
  • Acres and Acres of Marijuana
  • Mr. Aquarius Clown, Thank You
  • Acres and Acres of Marijuana – Concl.
  • In A Blink of an Eye – 2050
  • Christmas Day, 1973
  • A Cattle Prod, Chloroform & A Darkroom
  • Fitz, My New Friend
  • In A Blink of an Eye – 2050
    • EMP Electrical Protection Power Grid Act
  • The Israeli Boys
  • This Internet Thing, UFO’s and DNA
  • The Delmonti File, 2000, January
  • OP-First Taste of Blood (FTOB)
  • Wheels Up at 6AM Sharp
  • The Mountain Net Maker & His Wisdom
  • In A Blink of an Eye – 2050
    • Farewell to Well-Fare
    • 5000 dying daily -EMP Attacks
  • Worthy Adversary
  • Forensic Human Analytical Studies
  • 3 Nukes – 4th of July, 1975
  • The Battle of Lexington & Concord – 1775
    Could this be the Start of 13 New Colonies, but in Space?
  • Wernher Von Braun, Rocket Man
  • 3 Nukes – 4th of July, 1975 – Concl.
  • Alzheimer Disease: 1987
  • Needed to be Done!
  • The Delmonti File, year 2002, March
  • The Battle of Lexington & Concord – The Epilog
  • 1974, yes
  • In A Blink of an Eye – 2050
    • 2015 Disgraceful Iran Nuke Deal
    • She the self anointed one needed to keep her criminal Benghazi cover-ups going. Justice will Find her EVILNESS!
  • Leonard’s Story
  • The Delmonti File, year 2007, August
  • Pardon My Polite Explanation
    • Young people of America, its time to seriously wake up and learn about political decisions that effect your life!
  • The Yahoo Finance Message Boards, WTF!~?
  • Seaweed, Giant Burping Bull Frogs, Mini home wall-plate Spy Screw Heads, Pink Lady Bugs, 9 mm Silencers & Lon Chaney
  • Pain-Sadness-Humanity
  • In A Blink of an Eye – 2050
    • 44 WEAPONIZED his office
  • Bull Frogs, 9mm-Silencers part 2/3
  • Romeo’s Life Lessons
  • Life is Sometimes Very Cruel
  • Bull Frogs, Spy Screws & Lon Chaney
  • Shampoo
  • The Grande Ballroom—Kick out the Jams MF
  • Shampoo – Cont.
  • Pirates, not on T’s Watch!
  • Shampoo – Concl.
  • I was so young, what did I know? Watergate!
  • The Delmonti File, one year later, August, 2008
  • Stone Cold Killer Mentality
  • Hello Mrs. Bornstein
  • In A Blink of an Eye – 2050
    • This is The Most Important 2050 Sounding
  • The Boston/Mexican Connection
  • Marty’s Brain Dead, what don’t you Understand?
  • The Pleasure is all Mine
  • Pardon My Polite Explanation
  • A Deep Future Cometh
  • What are you Waiting For?
  • So Blind and Thoughtless
  • A Deep Future Cometh
  • The Carriage House Robbery
  • The Delmonti File, year 2009, Feb.
  • A Deep Future Cometh
  • Sky King/Some kind of Awakening!
  • In A Blink of an Eye – 2050
    • EVIL ‘GAS-LIGHTING demon’crats must be destroyed
  • The Carriage House Robbery – Epilog
  • A Deep Future Cometh – Conclusion or Just the Beginning
  • WOW, what Kind of Barn is this Boy Chick?
  • Campbell Soup Cans & A Long Kite String
  • Alzheimer’s Disease: 2000
  • Genghis Khan
  • What’s Happening? Earthquake!
  • Quantum Leap, Is it at all really Possible!
  • He’s Just like Poppa
  • In A Blink of an Eye – 2050
    • Villainous Globalists AND money hungry vile NGO’s
  • Hillsdale Michigan, who’da Thunk!
  • Heaven on Earth
  • The Why Answer for Resolution Op Campbell Soup
  • Delmonti, Runnin’ Wild & Loose, 09/2009
  • In A Blink of an Eye – 2050
    • SNEAK ‘EMP’ ATTACK-2025
  • It’s not It, its It’s
  • That is one ugly Beard
  • Alzheimer’s Disease: 2007
  • It’s not It, its It’s – Concl.
  • That is one ugly Beard – Concl.
  • I know a little bit about a little Bit
  • My Personal Earthquake – 1
  • In A Blink of an Eye – 2050
  • Request from TB
  • My Personal Earthquake – 2
  • How many people have this kind of Talk?
  • My Personal Earthquake – 3
  • The ‘T’ Word—Red Flags, Algo’s & Putin
  • My Personal Earthquake – 4
  • The ‘T’ Word—Red Flags, Algo’s & Putin
  • The Nuclear Ribbon Cutter Himself
    • X-44, Obla bla bla
  • My Personal Earthquake – 5
  • The ‘T’ Word—Red Flags, Algo’s & Putin
  • My Personal Earthquake – Concl.
  • Pardon My Polite Explanation
  • Comet Kahoutek
  • In A Blink of an Eye – 2050
      Offer Your Services to Your Country
  • The Delmonti File, year 2011, Sept. 25th
  • Alzheimer’s Disease: 2016
  • My Stunning Cuban Gal/Writer’s Block
  • I feel ya Letterman, I really do!
  • Spy Satellite Heaven
  • Frank Nitty, Mexican Visas & Mental Telepathy
  • Mo’shee – David – A Serious Matter
  • In A Blink of an Eye – 2050
    • Obvious Double Standard of Justice
    • A New Spiritual Beginning will Arise
  • NO WAY. . .WAY!
  • Barrio Incident, Latin American Style
  • Looks like we’re in Bin’ness
  • Delmonti Benghazi File/Security-Purity
  • Talking to Himself
  • In A Blink of an Eye – 2050
  • Boys will be Boys
  • Greenfield Village, One Really Cool Place
  • Pardon My Polite Explanation
  • In A Blink of an Eye – 2050
    • WHY was Iran Angry-2026
  • The Night Sky, Cover of Darkness
  • Justice Will Be Served
  • Thickness of the Forest
  • We all have different Strengths
  • 911-911 Delmonti!
  • Harvest T-Time
  • In A Blink of an Eye – 2050
    • WHY was Iran Angry-2026
  • Everyone’s Coming, Ya better believe It!

We hope you look for Book 4 in the Future