I can say with all my heart, that the raw and basic research I have done on the Alzheimer’s Disease, will not end for me until someone finds a cure.
This horrible disease is going to be by far the most important battle that a cure needs to be found, because without stopping it, then more families are facing sad and tough times, and this disease alone could bring on unexpected family bankruptcies and slowly add another detrimental peg in destroying our Medicare & Medicaid systems. And I’ll say it again, ALZHEIMER’S could become in it’s own way a national financial threat and nationwide security risk. And if such were the case, there’s more than enough money in the military and defense budgets that could easily shave out twenty-five BILLION dollars that should be immediately used to start the most valiant medical research for an ALZ cure.
Your family and my family are going to be touched by this horribly crippling disease, and we need to address this sad growing reality, because until a miracle cure is found to reverse or just stop the onslaught of the minds normal functioning ability, then this horrible affliction will continue.
TB and I agreed long ago that the public should be made well aware of this debilitating brain disease, so we decided we’d put it in our Trilogy and try and help educate the masses as best as possible.
ALZ is going to touch and affect one out of five families by the year 2020, and that’s one of the reasons it needs to be addressed as a National Emergency and we as a society need to be prepared, but even better than that, we need to find a cure.
There comes a point in life where you have years of living, learning, having interesting and educational experiences, along with valuable observations and then come out of it like we have, with deep-thinking approaches to finally say it’s time to do some good from it all. Perhaps we’re wired in our brains differently than the norm, but aside from our penchant for secrecy, we’ve had good intentions and as my close dear friend says to me, that’s all that matters.