Letter to Putin – January 21th, 2025

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Hello again Vladimir, 

It’s been a while since I last wrote you, and actually the first thing that came to my mind as I sat down to write this letter, is that I sincerely Thank God that there has not been any kind of nuclear weapons of any size been used and set off against your country and you against Ukraine, or some rogue acting group doing the unthinkable to create a false flag to really get the gears spinning into world chaos. The NEO CON NATO faction groups are trying to anger and piss you off, but you are showing you’re a wise, strong leader, and in control of your emotions. 

I think that King Charles is no kind of (king) or leader whatsoever, and that his mind and body look like an old washed up fool, always nervously playing with his diamond shirt cufflinks, while trying to play the part of this so called king. That man should rise up and tell his countrymen that England’s parliamentary leaders are making a grave mistake day after day for not calling for immediate truce and peace negotiations. Instead the once Great Britain is nothing close to great, for all the pathetic political leaders are non stop pounding the drum beat for supplying more weapons and keeping the Great people of England ill informed, and clamping down on the good people of England with crimes being charged against them of their right to having Free Speech. Like I said, king Charles is a duck without feathers and become a total pure joke in my eyes. I know he’s been suffering with some form of cancer and maybe if any one of his countrymen get wind of this tone I have towards him,  Charles might learn something I tell you soon in my writings further down. 

Thank God Trump was formally inaugurated yesterday, and the ENDING REIGN of the worst and most corrupt president (biden) in the history of America is finally – FINALLY OVER… With control of the main stream media, biden (I will never capitalize this pricks name), he shut off diplomatic communications with you and your people, proofing he never showed any desire to discuss a truce or anything close to that with you to bring some kind of resolution to stop all the insane senseless killing going on. He and his low life looser son should be tried for treason and even worse than that, but as we all know, biden gave out full pardons to all his family members on the last day and gave the drug addict son full protection a few weeks ago, dating back to 2014, being that’s when the Burisma Oil company shenanigans started for the son.  

It is now known by finally the speaker of the house telling the main stream media last week and thus the world, that biden had no idea of orders were given to shut off the flow of Liquid Natural Gas to some Eastern countries. Two points or takeaways from this stunning information, and one being that this weak and I believe (IMHO) very compromised speaker of the house, (3rd in line to be president) showed his pathetic weakness by waiting a full year to speak about his one on one meeting with biden. I’m sure you know about what I am writing about here. The second takeaway is that this meeting from what was said by biden, proofed that the fake president was not running the country, EVER. 

Nuff Said about this, but if I may say again and again, Thank God Trump is back in office, for I know that you two together will make a fair and equitable balanced Truce and Treaty, and END THE KILLING. Zelensky is a rat fink that will one day get what he deserves, and biden and all his evil cohorts who were in his inner circle that set out from the beginning in 2021, to intentionally destroy America with open borders, and pervert America with allowing men to unjustly play in women’s sports, and drag queens performing in day school and kindergarten classes and libraries, and using every kind of poor business management technique to ruin the economy and make life harder for true patriotic middle class Americans.

Sadly, nothing has changed regarding my knowledge and vision of three countries being attacked Netanyahu came to America to speak to the congress about Iran in 2015. I’m sure nothing is private anymore, so you’re not the only one reading what I’ve repeated many times before. 

I’ll conclude this letter with humbly saying that I have made great strides in my cancer research. I read reports and listen to lectures, search for anything that speaks or writes about various blood diseases, and ways to reduce the inflammation going on in our bodies, and study and take in wisdom from very intelligent streamers. With all this constant new knowledge I take in, it gives me hope that I can help folks possibly avoid having cancer, and if so stricken with it, find positive ways to help manage having cancer. 

I have been experimenting on myself for now over 50 years this coming October, with the simple use of making sure my PH levels are tightly holding consistent at the level of 7.4………. Alkaline-Acid is one of the key elements we have to pay attention to in our bodies. Visit my website and read and learn from a 5 page research paper I wrote over 30 years ago, plus learn about a white powder that aided people suffering from the side effects of taking chemo-therapy.  My co-writer helped me produce this special white powder back in the beginning of the 80’s, with his knowledge and know-how of creating a blue ozone generator that purified our special natural grown ingredients. The websites name is: cancerresearchmatters.com

I’m no doctor or scientist or PHD, or college educated, none of that, but The Lord has given me a gift, that being the ability to really focus on a subject matter when I put my mind to something, plus the gift of patience and tapping into all the energy and vibrations all around me, to then have a pure clear mind and seeing from my heart.

I’m wishing immediately that you and Trump meet, and STOP THE KILLING. Americans do not hate Russia, no, not at all, we want peace and prosperity for all the good people of both countries. I know and believe you want the same thing too Vladimir.  I listen carefully to all your speeches, and I especially focused in on your last two, and they told me you strongly feel and want President Trump to sit down face to face with you, and bring a long lasting peace for our two countries. I’m praying this will happen very soon.

Until again Vladimir,

Steven Lee Katz