Hello again Vladimir,
Excuse me for my quick to the point thoughts and feelings, but I need to speak my piece so I will be clearly understood to what I am driving at. First and maybe the most important non-political point, is that I know from doing my best as possible research about you, that over the last twelve or so years you’ve been more open about letting the world know and see your belief in The Lord, and I am grateful for that.
I start my letter with this point because over the years I have written to you about myself being a Jew for Jesus since when I discovered Jesus as a six year old little boy, and thus my sincere Faith in The Son and His Father somehow over the many decades manifested for me my personal deep connected Universal Gifted Spiritual Energy. Maybe to many they do not understand what I just said and may think I’m some crazy old man, but my peaceful realization how the amazing true marvels of the Universal flow actually exists, gives me complete peace and comfort in my here and future after life.
And from all that which has happened to me with my unbreakable Faith, I humbly sense I have been given a gift to read and see near and far away events with more clarity of sadly too many of mankind wrongful doings. Oh yes for sure there have been many wonderful and beautiful events Humanity has brought forth to the world, but on the opposite side of goodness is evil, and it is getting closer and closer to unleashing the ultimate harm to ourselves, and to that point, if human beings continue on the path we’re on, then we’re dooming ourselves to total damnation, or maybe more clearly saying the words out loud, the complete annihilation of the PLANET.
Vladimir, there are some who say we’re living in a Matrix, in some kind of giant fake and controlled movie and the outcomes are already written and there is NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT, EVERYTHINGS UNDER CONTROL. So I say to all of those, what do you say to all the death and destruction of the world wars, and especially the horrific aftermath of the bombs dropped on the innocent people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
There are too many internet conspiracy babbling fools who desire to gain attention, and from this mental game they play within themselves, they go way overboard. Everyone’s dead and fake doubles and masks are on every leader now in power or future power. YES, there are doubles and games always being played, but to hear some of these individuals go on and on, you’d think we’re living in some kind of giant movie continual illusion. Sorry for my rant but there are many people that think human beings dying in war is not real, that there are so-called ”CRISIS ACTORS”, and its all a game to brainwash society. Yes, I understand all too well the brainwashing programs of America, such as the Project MK-Ultra, started by Sidney Gotlieb in the late 40’s, and a few of your countries mind control programs too.
Politically speaking now, while everyone in the main stream media is pounding the drum on this date of August 6th, 2024 regarding the possibility of a global war breaking out with all the major Nuclear holding powers in the middle of this future catastrophe, I have that extreme serious concern myself.
So now if God Forbid these major conflicts even begin then it is a fools game for anyone to think they will be sustainable for a long time without eventually one side or the other begins to discuss engaging in using ‘Tactical Nuclear Weapons’. And so if that is the future the world has to look forward to, then God Help Us All!
To all sides making such extreme threats to each other, you must dig down deep in your minds and adhere to the words of “Cooler Heads Must Prevail”.
Vladimir, I started writing to you in October of 2014, using the available legitimate back channels that were and still are open and available to those that know how to navigate and correctly use the steps inside the political communicative system.
It is almost now ten full fast moving years since I began with my letters to you, and my memory is still very clear for my reasons to be doing so. I explained honestly and straight forward in my very first letter to you how I saw you and I walking towards each other in a big open space room, and we were surrounded in what felt like a complete giant WHITE CLOUD EFFECT up and all around us. And I was very sincere and told you that this vision I had was when I was coming out of my open heart quadruple bye-pass surgery.
Within a year after I first wrote you is when I really began perhaps ranting and warning you that Obama and John Kerry had be-trade America and sold out America allowing a horrible Nuclear deal to take place with Iran’s supreme leaders, and thus my deep intuition of the future began really warning me that within the ten to twelve year ‘SUNSET WINDOW TIME PERIOD’ that was negotiated for Iran to begin a viable ‘Nuclear Weapons Program’, that the Iranian leaders would use the time to lie and disguise the truth of what they were actually doing with their Nuclear so-called energy building program. And that truth being, is they were building up without ‘ANY MONITORING GOING ON’ a hidden away EXTREMELY DEEP UNDERGROUND Nuclear Offensive War Footing program which was designed to practically be impossible to be bombed out by any of America’s or Israel’s most powerful bunker busting bombs.
Iran’s almost now accomplished Nuclear Program information comes from all the years of intel that I have searched out, and I can account for a great deal more detail occasionally offered to me from a rogue computer super tactical offensive scientific genius who’s now many years removed an X-employee of my Trilogy co-writer. Our books speak volumes about this brilliant but rogue acting individual.
Maybe you know or don’t, but the fact is Iran right now is so close to achieving their Nuclear weapon goal, then the next most serious question is, will they be willing and able to use it on a large scale??? And will they literally make good on their promise of ‘Wiping Israel off the Face of the World Map’?
They lied from day one about having just the desire to have a Nuclear Program for Energy purposes. All the neighboring countries and all the world super powers knew exactly the true facts that Iran was in no need or factual interest of building a Nuclear program for Energy usage for their country.
What I am going to speak about now is I have spelled this out as clearly and transparent as anyone can to you and publicly over the last 5 (FIVE YEARS), and I started speaking my strong visions about the upcoming nuclear attacks years ago in our Trilogy which was published in late 2017.
These attacks I speak of I have seen with mental clarity that there is going to be 3 (THREE) countries attacked by small tactical nuclear bombs, and those three countries are Israel, the United States, and your homeland, Russia. And the time period window of these attacks is going to be happening between the end of March of 2025 to the end of October of 2025.
Making my letters PUBLIC for all who care to read, here’s the important point that I need to make clear for all to understand, and that is I have never actually seen Iran’s leaders being the true planners and culprits ordering the future multiple suitcase bombs in my visions in 2025.
What I wrote you before and clearly stated in our books, is that unknown low level insiders working with the nuclear scientists in these secret deeply hidden away Iranian labs were slowly stealing small amounts of Uranium and other necessary critical materials over the last seven or so years, and then SECRETLY SELLING these stolen goods on the black market to whoever the organization is that is going to be the masterminds behind the coming future Nuclear attacks.
To some that read about my long ago visions that I carefully detailed extensively in our Trilogy, might think what I am warning about is very similar to the movie plot of “The Sum Of All Fears”. Well I humbly say to any and all that maybe one day hear or read about what I have had long ago stated what I see happening, that only time will tell if I am correct, but what is making the chances of my thoughts more realistic is all the insane war mongering and posturing insanity that is happening all over the planet RIGHT NOW, and if my believes come to be a reality, it then would be a no-brainer to realize that a lot of finger pointing will begin at Iran, and then who honestly knows what will take place with the already massive fear and chaos taking place among the millions of human beings effected in the THREE attacked countries.
I believe what is going to happen is that all the serious war mongering will continue but only your special operation in Ukraine will continue until Trump comes into office again, and then ‘COMPLACENCY’ will set in around the world, but not due to Trump, and that’s when I sense my visions of the 3 countries I named being hit with powerful suitcase nuclear bombs. Again, time will tell, so, for now Nuff Said…
I have always intentionally kept a low profile all my life, and all the while I’ve come to know over many decades of research and other various INTEL packets, from it all I’ve gathered the knowledge of knowing a little bit about a little bit of the worlds going on and applied myself to become as scientific literate as possible, and studied viruses, and diseases, and because of what I humbly say I know, I can not just sit silent anymore about all the insanity that is surrounding all of our lives.
So to you Vladimir and any and all who read my letters I have written to you, all must clearly understand THE WORLD needs to realize that ‘Thoughts Manifest Energy’, and so in my heart I hope POSITIVE PEACEFUL MENTAL THINKING AND THOUGHTS WILL PREVAIL RIGHT NOW, or what will be will be the worst possible outcome for all of mankind. I have written to you this point and you have said it yourself many times over the past years, and that is, ‘NO ONE IS GOING TO WIN A NUCLEAR WAR!’
In conclusion for now, I sincerely wish all world powers would STEP BACK and take a deep breath and realize what deep Universal Negative Energy is taking place around THE GLOBE, and if this total NEGATIVITY CONTINUES, then GOD HELP US ALL!
My Time and Space on this beautiful Earth has now reached the 75 year mark and I have seen a lot, and little by little I grow closer to understanding The Lords True Universal Vibrational Energy He has given us that we all are living in. The potential for it all to be completely shattered beyond any humans TRUE COMPREHENSION is increasing now day after day like never before in the human race, and if this Universal Energy I speak of does fall apart, well then I can’t even imagine what will come after it does. Again, GOD HELP US ALL!
I will be in communication again Vladimir,
Take care,
Steven Lee Katz