Hello again Vladimir,
I can only say that the reckless and insane behavior by biden and his entire war mongering administration worries me that they will not stop and allow for what you are putting on the table to do, which is for a stoppage of your special operation you have going on into Ukraine, and finalize a peace settlement so the horrible loss of life on both sides can STOP.
The world needs to know the truth about biden and his son and all the criminal activity that (joe) he was a major part of regarding the COUP to take down the elected original president of Ukraine in 2014. biden is on video tape bragging about getting rid of the Attorney General who was going to investigate the Energy Company (Burisma) who gave a sweetheart deal to biden’s drug addicted son to sit on their board of directors. This was all the beginning of the corrupt plan for the biden family to GRIFT huge amounts of money out of Ukraine after (joe) successfully got rid of the original Attorney General, and began his control of the new planted President of Ukraine. You know the TRUTH Vladimir, you know all the facts are there to prove that biden is keeping this war going because he can not allow the truth to come out for all the past and maybe still wrong criminal GRIFT activity going on for he and his entire family.
This biden family is so evil, including his wife who is not going to let him be pushed out of running for the office again, even though now all the BIG WIG democrats are using their surrogates to go on National Television and talk about his campaign is failing, and the polling numbers are showing Trump is winning by a large amount in almost every state in the country. And this sham “LAWFARE” corrupt activity by the DOJ is showing the country that biden is the TRUE TYRANT.
She, bidens wife knows that if he gets pushed out of running for re-election, then her husband (joe) will more than likely be beyond humiliated, but even more important, (hunter biden) won’t have his father in power to if necessary (PARDON) him for all the upcoming summer trials and criminal cases starting in June and more to follow. She is a terrible person, a power hungry person, and she’s showing fear in the way she speaks on all these main stream news outlets, plus the TV shows that fawn over here and kiss her ass. It is so clear to me she will not let her husband relinquish his power, and the man she is married with is starting to show he is incapable of putting words together, or literally walk off a stage without getting lost. And God Forbid, he’s in charge of making the decision of using nuclear weapons. I mean this has to be stopped because bidens decision making is getting more erratic by the day. God Help Us!
You need somehow to use your media to show the brainwashed people in my country and the world that this warring actions could have been STOPPED back in April of 2022, but biden sent Great Britain’s Boris Johnson over to Ukraine to tell Zelensky to not negotiate with you, and Zelensky from all the multiple reports I read was open to do sit down and negotiate a settlement. And so now here we are, with biden and that idiotic fool over in France, plus other NATO countries stepping up the fighting with providing more long range weapons, plus F-16 fighter jets from America’s old out of date stock pile, and I’m reading and hearing reports that the NATO countries are putting their own so-called technical advisors on the ground in Ukraine. I don’t believe any of them for a second are advising, no, they are more likely actually fighting.
This shit show is going to turn into another Viet Nam, and this insanity will not stop by biden until he is THROWN OUT OF OFFICE by a victory in the soon upcoming elections in November. But to be blunt, biden and his evil democratic party are showing signs of total desperation and to the point of that, I’m sincerely worried about Trumps safety and well being.
The world can not have OR SURVIVE a nuclear confrontation between your country and America, or any other country that goes against you, and I have written back in late 2017 in our political parties first Mission Statement that we have to have an IRON CLAD nuclear peace treaty. Trump is smart, tough and fair, and God Help Us All if he is harmed, and or the election is stolen again from him like the last time in 2020. As they say, stolen elections have consequences, and biden is proving and showing all the awful consequences taking place.
Vladimir, please look at our third books titles, for they mean everything that really matters at this point. They say:
My Dad always lightly preached to me from when I was a young kid and all the way to the end of his great life, he always said to me ”STAY COOL SON, JUST KEEP YOUR COOL”, and I think in your own way you are doing a good job of keeping your cool, and I know you realize that NO ONE CAN WIN A NUCLEAR WAR. I’ve seen video of you speaking about just that fact, and I’ve written to you about that fact for many years now, but I’m worried that people don’t realize how evil biden and his people are. They are pushing you over your red line and this is what worries me the most, so again I ask you to keep your cool but absolutely defend your country and do what you have to do against these NATO fools who are sending their innocent soldiers into the war zone.
I’ve never asked more now than ever for Gods Help to keep the world from blowing up into an all out nuclear confrontation. Do as you must to defend your country, I totally understand, but try to take my Dads advice and perhaps your Father would be saying the same words to you, that being the wise words of ‘KEEP YOUR COOL SON’, JUST KEEP YOUR COOL’.
I mean this in the most respectful way, and that is you can be the bigger and much wiser man, and be the one that realizes ‘COOLER HEADS MUST PREVAIL’.
Until again Vladimir,
Steven Lee Katz