Mayflower Compact Patriots

True Affordable Health Care Plan

Do the MATH America,  Because it’s All About The MATH WHICH NEVER EVER LIES! The Government and Millions of People ARE DROWNING IN DEBT And that’s why now  I’m going to talk to YOU As  RAW & REAL AS IT GETS! EVERY AMERICAN CITIZEN IS GOING TO HAVE TO  MAKE

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The Primary Care American Doctor Rebuilding Program

The USA is going to be short 0ver 120,000 badly needed Primary Care Doctors throughout the country by the end of the year 2019, and this shortage must be addressed immediately. Once in office, the Mayflower Compact Patriots are going to be putting the Primary Care Doctors Rebuilding Program into

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Sherman-Clayton Antitrust Acts

‘America’s Hospital Billing Medical Insurance Reform Acts’ There has been an ongoing major well-kept secret regarding TWO LAWS the Democrats and Republicans don’t want to discuss and bring to your attention?  And did you know that if these TWO LAWS were put into motion right now, they could begin to

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Have you ever heard of the Surgery Center of Oklahoma?

Well if not, then here’s more very valuable and logical information on how we’re going to bring True Affordable Health Care for All. Our plan is to; Replicate what the Surgery Center of Oklahoma does, ACROSS THE NATION A price list of all procedures, services, and products should be posted

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Golden City Plan

My name is Steven Lee Katz, also known by my very close associates as David Stone, and at other times just Stealth.  And to add to those names they’d sometimes joke around and call me Mr. Lon Chaney, but what I’m sincerely presenting here to you on behalf of all

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The Key to making this reform happen, Will Be To Make Your Voices Heard Meaning all 300 plus million American Citizens Because this CAUSE is that important to You Along with the Hundreds of thousands of present-day doctors and all the young and up and coming ones TOO If you

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We are not alone in the Universe

We are not alone in the Universe’ Thank You DARPA In the United States, a place called Roswell New Mexico and in Russia, a place named Kapustin Yar, were the locations/sites that two incredible events took place that have to do with almost identical UFO crash events. Each one of those occurrences happened in the

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Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DARPA and our research about not being alone in this big vast Universe, will all come together and hopefully open up your minds to AMAZING events out in Deep Space and what our Government Agency named DARPA is well aware OF And NOT TELLING US!

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